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Are You Looking For Natural Cures For Migraines?


                If you are looking for more of an herbal remedy to your migraines, you should know that there are many substances that people have said help with migraines.  Especially, if the remedy is based around stress or anxiety that one might suffer from.  Keeping this in mind, people have now begun turning towards two different herbs that have been considered as a way to prevent migraines from happening.  These herbs are called butterbur and feverfew.  User beware, though they do have promising effects when battling migraines, they can cause tremendous side effects, so before taking them, you should consult a medical professional and only take up to one microgram per day.


                Since we are speaking of ways to handle your migraine attacks, you should know that one of the best chronic migraine treatment available so far is called magnesium.  You can find this in many foods such as vegetables, beans, nuts and even whole grains.  For those people who do not eat a lot of these things, but do suffer with migraines, you may want to start looking at the nutritional facts of the foods you are eating.  If you have ever heard of feverfew for migraines, you may like to know that magnesium is much more beneficial than it. 


In fact, scientists now say that taking only 600 milligrams of magnesium per day can lower your risk of having migraines by nearly 40%, which is a dramatic difference.  There is only one downside to taking this much magnesium and that his that 18% of these people say that they had diarrhea, but that hardly seems to matter when the opposite is having blinding, debilitating migraines.  Read about neurologic definition here at


                Just the same as taking any medication or drug, it is recommended that you speak with a medical professional before you take magnesium; in order to make sure it is safe for you and to help your chances of not running into other complications.  Also, if you are allergic or not able to take such natural remedies for migraines, you can speak with your doctor about other over the counter medications that could help.  Also, you will need to be aware with these too, considering many people say that you can over medicate on these meds, as well as they say your body can become used to them, which essentially means your body will no longer be effected by the medications you are attempting to use for your migraines. View this site to find the best neurologist near you.

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